Andrew Turnage

Andrew Turnage has been engaged with the business community within the city of Saint Louis and as a subject matter expert in the field of marketing branding and business development for over 20 years. Turnage holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and a Master’s in Business Administration focused in Advertising.

During his career, Turnage has been a part of several programs in the City of Saint Louis, including;

·         Saint Louis Business Diversity Initiative (SLBDI) Cohort 8 – Greater STL

·         Regional Business Council Leadership 100

·         Diverse Business Accelerator Cohort 3- Greater STL.

These programs are designed to create individual growth, career advancement, and entrepreneurship. Turnage has an extensive career in hospitality services, operations, personnel management, inventory management, and project management.

Turnage is the Founder and CEO of the Liv Group, a marketing and branding firm providing business solutions focused on business strategy, branding, and creative communications supporting professionals and businesses in learning their ‘Why’ telling their story to the world with his one-of-a-kind 7 Step Brand Map. Turnage is also a small business, executive, and pitch coach. Turnage's goal is to support others in creating the career path and businesses so they can live the life they want to Liv.

Liv Group